
« Here are the basics of Tit Albert Dan Vilaz: the rules of the game. This article will help you so you are not too lost when participating in a game night… »

Aim of the Tit Albert Dan Vilaz game

  • The Vilazwas: to eliminate the Tit Albert
  • The Tit Albert: to eliminate the Vilazwas

Winning conditions

  • The Vilazwas win as soon as they eliminate the last Tit Albert.
  • The Tit Albert win when they eliminate the last of the Vilazwas.
  • Note: If the Lovers are 1 Tit Albert + 1 Vilazwa, they win once they eliminate everyone else.

The characters

The Tit Albert: they devour the Vilazwas each night. During the day, they need to hide their identity to avoid being executed by the Vilazwas. A round of the game can include 1, 2, 3 or 4 Tit Albert depending on the number of players.

The Vilazwas: Each night, one Vilazwa is eaten up by a Tit Albert, which signifies the end of the game for that Vilazwa. The survivors have to meet up on the following day and guess the identity of the players who transform into dreadful Tit Albert at night. This leads to a debate and a vote which will confirm the execution of a suspect, who will also be eliminated from the round.

The Vilazwa has no specific competence. However, he is a fine behavioural analyst, a trait which allows him to identify the Tit Albert. He is also gifted with great powers of persuasion, which are particularly important when trying to prevent his own execution.

Bhai looké: each night, he gets to know the true personality of one player of his choice. He can then help the other Vilazwas as discreetly as possible, lest he gets found out by a Tit Albert.

Cliffeurd le Chasseur: If he gets killed by a Tit Albert or executed by the other players, he has the power to retaliate by immediately killing any other player. The Chasseur has the power to retaliate before his last breath. Thus, he can eliminate any other player of his choice.

The Agwa: She has the power to make two people fall in love. The first night (preliminary round), the Agwa chooses two players (two female players, two male players or one male and one female player) to be the Lovers for this round. Fun fact: she can also appoint herself as one of the Lovers.

During the game, if one of the Lovers is eliminated, the other dies of sorrow immediately. A Lover can never vote against his/her beloved (even if it’s a bluff!). Also, if one of the Lovers is a Tit Albert and the other one is a Vilazwa, the aim of the game is different for them: to make their love last as long as possible and to win the game, they have to eliminate all the other players: both Tit Albert and Vilazwas, all while following the game’s rules.

The Longanis: He can prepare 2 extremely powerful potions.

  • One healing potion, to revive a player who was killed by the Tit Albert,
  • Once poison potion, used at night to eliminate a player. The Longanis can use each potion only once during the game.
  • He can use both potions during the same night. On the following morning, depending on his actions/decisions, there could be 0 deaths, 1 death or 2 deaths. The Longanis can use the potions for his own benefit and thus heal himself.
  • If, as the rounds pile up, the Longanis becomes too powerful, it’s possible to limit his powers to only one potion for the round.

The Tifi: she only has to crack open her eyes to spy on the Tit Albert when they are awake. Beware, however, the round ends in a deafening silence for her, instead of the designated victim, if she is caught by one of the Tit Albert. The Tifi can only spy at night, during the turn in which the Tit Albert are awake.

The Sefvilaz: this character is played by a player who already assumes another role. The Sefvilaz is elected via voting, the majority wins. Apart from the honour attributed to the person who is designated as the Sefvilaz, the latter’s votes count twice. If he is eliminated, he appoints his successor on his last breath.

The Voler: Two additional cards need to be added to the game. After distributing the cards amongst the players, the 2 cards left are placed face-down in the middle of the table. On the first night, the Voler will be able to see the 2 cards and swap his card for one of the other two. If both of these cards are Tit Albert, he is forced to swap his card for one of the Tit Albert. He will then have to assume the role of that character until the game ends.

Character distribution for a quick game

  • 2 Tit Albert (or more depending on the number of players)
  • The Longanis
  • The Vilazwas (in sufficient numbers)
Number of players Tit Albert Bhai Looké Vilazwa
8 2 1 5
9 2 1 6
10 2 1 7
11 2 1 8
12 3 1 8
13 3 1 9
14 3 1 10
15 3 1 11
16 3 1 12
17 3 1 13
18 4 1 13

Game steps


The players appoint or pick a Game Leader through draws: this person does not play, he drives the game. For the first games, it is best to choose someone who is familiar with the game, who can maintain the atmosphere and who, preferably, knows some or most of the rules of Tit Albert Dan Vilaz.

  • The Game Leader deals one card, face-down, to each player.
  • Each player discreetly checks his character, then places his card back in front of him, face-down.

The Game Leader puts the Vilaz to sleep by saying, “It is night, the Vilaz goes to sleep, and the players close their eyes”. Like this, all players lower their heads and close their eyes. Then, according to the characters currently in the game, the Game Leader calls various characters.

Preparation round, except for quick games

The Game Leader calls the Voler:

  • The Game Leader says, “The Voler wakes up!”. The player who is the Voler opens his eyes and discreetly looks at the two hidden cards at the centre of the table, then eventually changes his character.
  • The Game Leader says, “The Voler goes back to sleep” and the Voler closes his eyes.

The Game Leader calls the Agwa:

  • The Game Leader says, “The Agwa wakes up!”. Said player opens his/her eyes and designates two players (one of whom can be him/herself). The Game Leader goes around the table and discreetly touches the back of the two Lovers.
  • The Game Leader says, “The Agwa goes back to sleep” and the Agwa closes his/her eyes.

The Game Leader calls the two Lovers

  • The Game Leader says, “The Lovers wake up, recognise each other, and go back sleep !”. The Lovers cannot mutually share the contents of their card, in other words, they cannot know each other’s true identity.

Normal, not simplified

The normal round will develop depending on the various characters in the game and their survival throughout the game.

The Game Leader calls the characters

The Game Leader calls Bhai Looké

  • The Game Leader calls Bhai Looké, “Bhai Looké wakes up and chooses a player whom he wants to know identity of!”.
  • The Game Leader shows Bhai Looké the contents of the chosen player’s card.
  • The Game Leader says, “Bhai Looké goes back to sleep”. The player closes his/her eyes.

The Game Leader calls the Tit Albert

  • The Game Leader says, “The Tit Albert wake up, recognise each other and designate a new victim”.
  • Only the Tit Albert raise their heads, open their eyes, silently consult each other and choose a victim. During this turn, the Tifi can, if she wants to, spy on the Tit Albert by opening her eyes slightly.

Caution: if she gets caught, the Tit Albert can designate her as the victim instead of the initially chosen victim!

  • The Game Leader says, “The Tit Albert, now no longer hungry, go back to sleep and dream about their upcoming tasty victims”.
  • The Tit Albert close their eyes.

The Game Leader calls the Longanis

  • The Game Leader says, “The Longanis wakes up, I show him the victim designated by the Tit Albert. Will he use his healing potion, or his poison potion?”
  • The Game Leader shows the Tit Albert’s victim to the Longanis, who does not have to use his power in a specific turn. If he utilises a potion, he has to show his target to the Game Leader with a thumbs-up for healing and a thumbs-down for poisoning. The Game Leader will reveal the effect of his choice on the following morning.

The Game Leader wakes the Vilaz up

  • The Game Leader says, “It’s morning, the Vilaz wakes up, everyone wakes up and opens their eyes, everyone except…”. The Game Leader then points out the player or players who were chosen as victims by the Tit Albert or the Longanis at night.

The eliminated players reveal their cards. They can also no longer communicate with the other players. If one of these players is the Chasseur/Hunter, he can retaliate and kill another player of his choice immediately.

  • If one of the players is one of the two Lovers, the other Lover dies of sorrow immediately.
  • If one of the players is the Sefvilaz, he appoints his successor.

The Vilaz debates about suspects.

The Game Leader hosts and launches the debates.

Analyse all the suspicious elements: noises during the night, a player’s strange behaviour, similar votes by some Vilazwas: these clues can be helpful to identify a player who might be a Tit Albert.

Everyone’s objectives differ:

  • Each Vilazwa attempts to unmask a Tit Albert and promotes votes against that player
  • The Tit Albert have to pretend to be Vilazwas
  • Bhai Looké and Tifi have to help the other Vilazwas, all while protecting themselves
  • The Lovers have to protect themselves mutually

Everyone has the right to pretend to be another character: that’s the heart of the game. Lie, bluff, tell the truth all while remaining as credible as possible!

The Vilaz votes

The players have to eliminate a player whom they suspect is a Tit Albert. Following the Game Leader ’s signal, each player points his/her finger towards the player they want to eliminate. The player who gets the most of votes will be eliminated, keeping in mind that the Sefvilaz’s vote counts twice.

  • In case of ties : if he is still alive, the Sefvilaz’s vote designates the victim. Otherwise, a new round of votes is carried out (the designated players can also vote) to break the tie.
  • In case of a new tie, no player is eliminated.
  • The eliminated player reveals his card and can no longer communicate with the other players.

The Vilaz goes back to sleep

The Game Leader says, “It’s night, the survivors go back to sleep!”. The players close their eyes again while the eliminated players remain silent, especially if they find out who the Tit Albert are. The game restarts from the beginning of the normal turn, step 1.

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